All of our contact information, including hours of operation are below. If you have any questions in regards to opening up a new merchant account, please call customer support or the contact form below.

For existing merchant accounts, please refer to either customer or technical support. Please note, technical support is open 24/7/365.

Contact Information

Customer Support: (850) 380-8300
Technical Support: (877) 517-4678 ext. 2
Fax: (888) 553-0988

Hours of Operation

Weekdays: 9am – 7pm
Weekends: 11am – 5pm
Tech Support: 24/7/365

For internal use only. Your information will NOT be shared.
For internal use only. Your information will NOT be shared.
For internal use only. Your information will NOT be shared.
For internal use only. Your information will NOT be shared.
For internal use only. Your information will NOT be shared.
For internal use only. Your information will NOT be shared.
Many businesses that have been Denied have issues getting Approved, so this helps determine what processor we use.

What is 7+4?